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Data is a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that companies have more information at their disposal than ever before. The bad news is that they may not know ...
Being Data-Driven
Collaboration: The Core of a Data-Driven Organization
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” sang Andy Williams about the Christmas season, but a “wonderful time” might not be how analysts working in e-commerce and ...
Being Data-Driven
How Ecommerce Analysts Can Prep for the Holiday Season
You've spent a bunch of time figuring out the best data stack for your company. It was hard work, and occasionally it was frustrating, but mostly it was fun.
Data Stack
How to Propose a Data Stack
If you work with data of any real size, chances are you’ve heard of ETL before. If not (or if you just like having your memory refreshed), here’s a summary: ETL is a ...
What is Data Transformation, Anyway?
There’s nothing more aggravating for a data analyst than sweating over a great analysis or dashboard only to have it go unused.
Best Practices
Why Data Analysts Should Adopt a Product Mindset
If you're thinking about creating a data warehouse from scratch, one of the options you are probably considering is Amazon Redshift. Redshift is very powerful, but ...
A Redshift Pricing Guide for CTOs
Every week, analysts around the globe are working hard to create data warehouses.
Best Practices
Analyzing Business Needs: The First Step in Your Data Warehouse Project
Some people think you only need a data warehouse if you have huge amounts of data. That used to be true. It's not anymore. These days, any business that uses Salesforce, ...
Data Warehousing
5 Reasons You Need a Data Warehouse
LendStreet is a consumer financial health platform that offers loans to assist Americans who are deeply indebted. The product is quite complex and what we build ...
Being Data-Driven
How Financial Tech Company LendStreet Embraces Financial Data
You need a data warehouse, but a data warehouse is worth nothing if it doesn’t contain - data! The first step to start seeing benefits from your data warehouse is to ...
Data Warehousing
Views: The Key to a Successful ELT Data Warehouse
Why Your Shopify Data Needs a Warehouse A data warehouse is a place to store data solely for the purpose of analysis. That may not seem that interesting—and it isn’t—but ...
Data Warehousing
Shopify Business Intelligence And Data Warehousing Step-by-Step
Good analytics is no match for bad data. Bad data wins every time. That's why we're talking about the tools to create a clean, efficient, and accurate ELT (extract, ...
Top 7 Best ELT Data Pipeline Tools
Your company has reached the point where the only way to analyze your data - on the scale needed for your business to succeed - is to build or buy a data warehouse. How ...
Data Warehousing
How to Estimate Cloud Data Warehouse Costs and Pricing Comparison
Salesforce is a powerful tool for managing your sales processes. But if you're serious about using your business data to drive your organization, at some point you're ...
Data Warehousing
How to Build a Data Warehouse for Salesforce without Breaking the Bank
This tutorial was authored by Ahmed Shaaban, a MeasureMatch partner.
MySQL Replication for Analytics and Visualization: A Panoply Tutorial
Xero is widely recognized as the best online accounting software for small businesses. Similar to Google Ad Analytics, Xero is a lightweight and easy-to-use analytics ...
Data Stack
Top 6 Xero Analytics and Reporting Tools for SMBs
Google Ads is all about efficiency. The formula for success is simple: target the right audience with the right ads at the right price. The better you do at each of ...
Data Analysis
How to Find Google Ads Negative Keywords at Scale
The speed, flexibility and ease of setup of NoSQL-style databases have all contributed to the rapid rise in popularity of MongoDB in recent years. Despite its advantages ...
Data Analysis
How to analyze MongoDB data in Power BI
WordPress and Google Analytics are two BI tools (Business Intelligence) that go together like peas and carrots (if you're into that sort of thing). WordPress powers over ...
How To Combine And Analyze WordPress And Google Analytics Data Together
NurseGrid’s goal is to unite the largest workforce in healthcare with cutting edge staffing and resource technology. NurseGrid creates tools for communication and ...
Being Data-Driven
How NurseGrid Supercharges Product Improvement With Data
At Panoply, we get a lot of customers who are looking to use Grafana to analyze data stored in DynamoDB instances. If you’ve ever looked into this, you’ve probably seen ...
Data Analysis
How to analyze DynamoDB data in Grafana
Happy December! 🥳
Panoply's December User Experience Update
DATEDIFF is a super useful function that returns the difference between date parts (or dateparts) of two date or time expressions. For this post we will use data from: ...
Learning SQL
Creating Elapsed Time Histograms in SQL Using DATEDIFF
This blog post is the first of a two-part series. The first part will focus on Hubspot lead analytics and will equip you with the tools you need to go beyond standard ...
Learning SQL
Hubspot Lead Analytics in SQL, Beyond CRM Reporting
Ecommerce is getting more competitive every day as big players like Amazon and Alibaba consume more markets and scrappy D2C players try to disrupt them. It is impossible ...
BI and Data Visualization
Building Shopify Dashboards in Tableau, Power BI and Google Data Studio

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