Latest Stories In: Panoply Blog: Data Management, Warehousing & Data Analysis | Tutorials

This article will cover how to work with time series/datetime data in Redshift.
Learning SQL
Manipulating Time Series Data with SQL in Redshift
Power BI increases its adoption among the most experienced users each day. Thanks to being a user-friendly tool with various data sources to connect to, it helps analyze ...
How To Analyze PostgreSQL Data in Power BI
HubSpot is a leading platform for inbound marketing, sales, and customer relationship management. With HubSpot, you can get exhaustive data on your marketing efforts.
How to Analyze HubSpot Email Campaigns with SQL
If you use HubSpot, you know it captures a ton of data about your customers, marketing campaigns, and so much more. And while native HubSpot reporting is a great way to ...
HubSpot & SQL: A New Way to Understand Your Revenue
Poorly designed databases can cause many problems, including a waste of resources, difficult maintenance, and faulty performance. That's why having a great database ...
Best Practices
Database Schema Design Examples
MongoDB's data flexibility is a breeze for developers but can be a major headache for analysts and data scientists. Here's how to wrangle your non-relational MongoDB ...
Data Analysis
How to Analyze MongoDB Data in Tableau
For the final entry in our SQL and pandas series, we’re going to be talking today about closing the loop. We’ve talked about the difference between pandas and SQL, how ...
Data Analysis
How to load pandas dataframes into SQL
Welcome back, data folk, to our 3-part series on managing and analyzing data with SQL, Python and pandas. In our first post, we went into the differences, similarities, ...
Data Analysis
How to read a SQL query into a pandas dataframe (2024 Updated)
SQL and pandas are both invaluable tools for any analyst or data scientist. They tend to be mentioned in the same breath when talking about data manipulation and ...
Data Analysis
SQL and pandas: A Rosetta Stone for Analysts
This tutorial was authored by Ahmed Shaaban, a MeasureMatch partner.
MySQL Replication for Analytics and Visualization: A Panoply Tutorial
At Panoply, we get a lot of customers who are looking to use Grafana to analyze data stored in DynamoDB instances. If you’ve ever looked into this, you’ve probably seen ...
Data Analysis
How to analyze DynamoDB data in Grafana
DATEDIFF is a super useful function that returns the difference between date parts (or dateparts) of two date or time expressions. For this post we will use data from: ...
Learning SQL
Creating Elapsed Time Histograms in SQL Using DATEDIFF
This blog post is the first of a two-part series. The first part will focus on Hubspot lead analytics and will equip you with the tools you need to go beyond standard ...
Learning SQL
Hubspot Lead Analytics in SQL, Beyond CRM Reporting
Ecommerce is getting more competitive every day as big players like Amazon and Alibaba consume more markets and scrappy D2C players try to disrupt them. It is impossible ...
BI and Data Visualization
Building Shopify Dashboards in Tableau, Power BI and Google Data Studio
Comparing metrics over time is a great way to benchmark progress and to identify issues as they come up. In order to compare metrics over time, the dates in your ...
Learning SQL
Comparing Metrics Over Time in SQL
Congratulations! You’ve connected to your data warehouse (or database). You are on your way towards analytics awesomeness. But first, you need to get your bearings. ...
Learning SQL
Exploring Tables And Columns In Redshift: A PG_TABLE_DEF Tutorial
In this blog post, I will introduce you to the basics of using CASE statements/expressions. This post will also cover comparison operators (greater than, less than, ...
Learning SQL
Postgres CASE Statement Basics by Example
When I started my SQL journey not too long ago, I diligently completed interactive tutorials and to be honest, thought I had a grasp on this thing. Fast forward a couple ...
Learning SQL
A Beginner’s Guide to Formatting Dates in SQL
This post has been updated to reflect changes to Instagram's API (Facebook's Graph API). You will now need to switch to an Instagram Business account to perform this ...
Data Analysis
Instagram Data Analysis using SQL, part the third: Identifying Top Followers
This post has been updated to reflect changes to Instagram's API (Facebook's Graph API). You will now need to switch to an Instagram Business account to perform this ...
Data Analysis
Analyzing Instagram API Data, part 2: Engagement Over Time
This post has been updated to reflect changes to Instagram's API (Facebook's Graph API). You will now need to switch to an Instagram Business account to perform this ...
Data Analysis
Instagram Analytics with SQL Queries part 1: Getting Started
One thing we see a lot of here at Panoply is customers looking to use Tableau to analyze data stored in DynamoDB instances. If you’ve ever looked into this, or tried it ...
Data Analysis
DynamoDB Analytics and Visualization in Tableau: Step by Step Tutorial
If you're working with data, you'll often need to collect data from different sources and store it in various destinations. Whether your data transfer is a one-time task ...
How to Use Singer for Your ETL Needs: Step-by-Step Tutorial
Today I want to show you how you can combine performance metrics from three popular ad networks, Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads without exporting a CSV or ...
Data Analysis
Combining Data from Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads in Google Data Studio
In an increasingly data-focused world, the term “machine learning” is more popular than ever. However, many find the concept intimidating and believe that it is too ...
Connecting R to a Redshift Data Warehouse for Machine Learning

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