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As Google transitions from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on July 1, data ownership becomes a top concern for anyone using their platform. While ...
Data Management
The Importance of Data Ownership
Using Panoply for easy UA warehousing and report replication
Data Warehousing
Warehouse Your UA Data Without Missing a Beat
Power BI is a business analytics tool that packs a punch, revolutionizing the way companies analyze their data. It is a cloud-based business intelligence platform that ...
BI and Data Visualization
Power BI Best Practices
We’re excited to announce our new Flex Connector - the Panoply connector for any data source. While our native Snap Connectors let you connect to a wide variety of ...
Panoply News
Introducing the Panoply Flex Connector
Everyone’s talking about the benefits of a single source of truth for business data. They say a centralized hub helps you reduce manual tasks, get clearer insights for ...
Fun with Data
Why Shouldn't You Have a Single Source of Truth?
Being Data-Driven
Top 7 Marketing Dashboard KPIs
Are you using the Panoply platform and want faster insights into your data? Now you have them! Last week, our team released in-platform visualizations, and we’re pretty ...
Introducing Panoply Visualizations
In data analytics, ETL describes the process of extracting, transforming, and loading data to make it ready to use for a predefined task. Note that ELT (extract, load, ...
5 Steps of the ETL Process
How computers and applications interact with data (inputs and outputs) depends on their data types. A data type is a classification that governs how compilers and ...
A Comprehensive Guide to BigQuery Data Types
As a data analyst helping navigate my company through these choppy economic waters, I understand the conflicting needs of providing actionable insights while keeping ...
Best Open-Source Data Analytics Tools and Software
Optimizing your SQL code is an important part of maintaining the performance and efficiency of your data pipeline. There are essentially no hard limits on the logical ...
Learning SQL
SQL Optimization Benefits and Techniques
Modern businesses create, collect, analyze, and store vast amounts of data on metrics that impact their operations and decision-making. The amount is forecasted to grow ...
Data Observability
How Data Observability Can Help Your Bottom Line
You know Python and SQL and Java and Vixen
Fun with Data
Rudolph the Data Reindeer
With the holiday season upon us, retailers are scrambling down the metaphorical chimney to make sure they’re driving as much revenue, brand awareness, and customer ...
Data Management
Top Retail KPIs and Why they Matter
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace is quickly becoming the go-to for service providers to showcase their features, and for solution-seekers to find the best ...
Data Industry Trends
How Service Providers and Solution Seekers can Benefit from the Google Cloud Marketplace
Data management remains a top challenge for companies across all industries. The vast majority of organizations have a hard time moving data from point to point and ...
Data Management
Data Management KPIs: 6 Metrics to Measure and How to Improve Them
Overseeing a fast-moving, dynamic marketing department is no easy task. Chief marketing officers (CMOs) need to juggle a variety of responsibilities while making sure ...
Why You Need a CMO Dashboard and What to Put on It
If you're looking for a great metric to track user engagement and growth on your platform, you might want to measure your daily active users (DAU). But keep in mind that ...
Daily Active Users
How to Calculate Your Daily Active Users and Why It Matters
We’ve developed a way to make the platform even better for our data-loving customers: let’s talk about usage reports - the data on your data! In the past, Panoply users ...
Usage Reports: Get the Data on Your Data
There are few things more validating for a business than happy customers and positive testimonials. Not to toot our own horn, but peer-to-peer review site G2 awarded ...
Data Bytes
G2 Recognition with Panoply Founder Yaniv Leven
If it seems like data and analytics companies can’t stop talking about a “single source of truth,” well… you’re right. Single source of truth (SSOT) has emerged as a ...
Data Bytes
Data Bytes: Everyone Needs a Single Source of Truth
MongoDB database is really popular these days. Developers often use it instead of MySQL, but these two platforms aren’t in direct competition. While MySQL is a ...
Data Management
Important MongoDB Best Practices You Should Follow
Data Warehousing
Step By Step: Export Shopify Data Using Panoply
Reflecting on the first-ever offsite team meetup
Data Bytes
Data Bytes Episode 2: The Panoply Meetup
What better way to kick off a new video series than by sitting down with the CEO?
Data Bytes
Data Bytes Episode 1: After the Acquisition

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