Latest Stories In: Panoply Blog: Data Management, Warehousing & Data Analysis | Best Practices (2)

You’ve done the hard work. You’ve now gotten to the point of data visualization, but can you trust your results? We’ll look at some tips and strategies on how to avoid ...
Data Analysis
How to Avoid Fallacies in Data
Anybody who hangs out in IT or data science circles will invariably become familiar with the acronym GIGO. GIGO stands for “garbage in, garbage out” (or “good in, good ...
Best Practices
Less GIGO, more KNOW: Do's and Don't's in Data Collection and Distribution
The idea is pretty simple: the more you have of something, the more challenging it is to manage. This absolutely holds true when it comes to data. Today, we’re seeing ...
Best Practices
Big Data Management: 5 Key Points to Remember
As an analyst who deals with data from many data sources daily, you might find yourself as the go-to source for information about business intelligence in your office. ...
Data Warehousing
9 Things Your Boss Wants to Know About Data Warehousing
As your organization moves its data into the cloud, you face the challenge of balancing productivity and efficiency gains with tremendous compliance and security ...
Data Industry Trends
Cloud Security Best Practices
If you ask a group of big data analysts what are some of the top professional challenges they face, you can easily imagine which challenges are consistently shortlisted. ...
Being Data-Driven
How To Get People to Share Data
There are many risks involved with data security. Storing data in the cloud might seem like a safe bet, and for most users it is. But risks will always exist. Below we ...
Best Practices
Top Cloud Data Security Risks, Threats, and Concerns
As more organizations begin their journey to the cloud, they need to plan how they will apply the best practices of data management to ensure that cloud-based, ...
Best Practices
Data Management Best Practices for Cloud Computing

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