Latest Stories In: Panoply Blog: Data Management, Warehousing & Data Analysis | Being Data-Driven (2)

LendStreet is a consumer financial health platform that offers loans to assist Americans who are deeply indebted. The product is quite complex and what we build ...
Being Data-Driven
How Financial Tech Company LendStreet Embraces Financial Data
NurseGrid’s goal is to unite the largest workforce in healthcare with cutting edge staffing and resource technology. NurseGrid creates tools for communication and ...
Being Data-Driven
How NurseGrid Supercharges Product Improvement With Data
So your startup is growing... Great! The only problem is, you can’t say exactly why it’s growing or how to increase the rate of growth. You know that analytics are ...
Being Data-Driven
How to Build your Startup's Analytics Operation from Scratch: Tools and Tips
We go about our days oftentimes not realizing just how much information we’re creating. The reality here is that we’re creating data on a business as well as personal ...
Being Data-Driven
The Data-Driven Society: Capturing the Value of Information
Being Data-Driven
Driving the Data-Driven Transition
I recently sat down with Aron Clymer to talk about his approach to architecting and building data stacks. Aron has built data analytics stacks and developed analytics ...
Being Data-Driven
When It's Time to Build an Analytics Stack
Almost across the board, businesses are asking themselves. “How are we going to grow our business to the next stage?” No matter what industry you are in, using your ...
Being Data-Driven
5 Opportunities to Scale Your Business with Data
Before we get into the power of data, it’s important to understand just how much data we’re creating. A recent report from Cisco indicates that globally, the data stored ...
Being Data-Driven
Don’t Let Data Collect Digital Dust: Creating Competitive Advantages through Data
Data architecture is the system behind how an organization collects, stores, and integrates data.
Being Data-Driven
What is Data Architecture? People, Process & Technology
Big data is definitely popular. In fact, more organizations are investing in their own data platforms to really gain as much value as they can out of the information ...
Being Data-Driven
7 Simple Steps to Prepare for Big Data
Stop for just a second and think about how much data you generated today. Did you check your email? Maybe go for a run with your Fitbit? Or, maybe you’re a business that ...
Being Data-Driven
In the Digital Age, Managing Data is Critical for  Competitive Advantages
Both business and tech analysts agree that a capacity for advanced analytics is becoming mission-critical to the basic viability for all companies. While some believe ...
Being Data-Driven
Becoming an analytics driven organization: challenge accepted
If you ask a group of big data analysts what are some of the top professional challenges they face, you can easily imagine which challenges are consistently shortlisted. ...
Being Data-Driven
How To Get People to Share Data

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