What better way to kick off a new video series than by sitting down with the CEO?
In Panoply’s Data Bytes mini videos, we’ll chat with our experts and explore topics relevant to the industry, to us, and especially to you.
The first episode coincided with the six-month anniversary of SQream acquiring Panoply, so we spoke to SQream CEO Ami Gal to discuss his motivations for joining forces, the value we bring to market together, and what he’s looking forward to in the future for the team.

Here are a couple highlights from the conversation:
- Part of what attracted Ami to Panoply was the ease of getting instant insights, and he spoke to the “click-of-a-button” nature of the platform
- Ami touched on the current financial crisis and what it means for business. With an uncertain forecast, companies need to make the most of every dollar and in turn provide the best value for their own clients.
- The future looks bright for the joint SQream and Panoply team, and we look forward to finding new ways to deliver faster, better insights
Watch the full video here.
Is there a data topic you’d like to hear us discuss? Reach out to the team for episode suggestions.