How to Connect Shopify to Power BI: The 2024 Guide - Panoply

How to Connect Shopify to Power BI: The 2024 Guide

When you connect Shopify to Power BI, you gain a whole world of insight into your products, customers, and business performance.

But as Shopify and Power BI do not integrate automatically, how do you make this connection? Learn more in our 2024 guide.

The Benefits of Using Shopify with Power BI

You can unlock a range of benefits when you leverage Shopify together with Power BI. Power BI provides excellent insight from Shopify data, giving you a deeper understanding of your business and enabling you to make better decisions moving forward. A variety of reports and visualizations are available in the tool, making it simple to gain and act on the analytics from your data. Additionally, you can set an automated update schedule so that reports are based on the latest information.

Collaboration and sharing is simple within Power BI, allowing teams and stakeholders to work together using the insight provided. Power BI is designed with security in mind, providing confidence and data protection compliance.

The tool is updated regularly, eliminating inefficiencies and fixing any minor issues.

How to Connect Shopify to Power BI — a Step-by-Step Guide

How do you actually connect Shopify to Power BI? Follow our step-by-step guide and start reaping the benefits of this joint solution.

Step 1: Select Your Connector 

Shopify does not integrate automatically with Power BI, so you will need to select a tool with the capability to connect them. This tool will bridge the gap between the two solutions so Power BI can access Shopify data.

As you choose the right tool, consider the following:

  • User-friendliness: It can be difficult to connect Shopify with Power BI, so look for a tool that makes this process simple and straightforward
  • Reputation: There are a few options at your disposal, but not all will be equal. Take a look at user testimonies and reviews as you make your choice.
  • Features: Make sure the tool offers the functionality you need — for example, automated data syncing with manual control.

Step 2: Connect Shopify and Power BI through the Tool

Each tool will have its own process of integration, but all will adopt a similar approach. Begin by opening the connector tool and then entering your Shopify store URL.

Input your authentication information, and then follow the tool's instructions to complete the connections.

Step 3: Send Data to Power BI

You may have specific sets of data within your Shopify account that you wish to send to Power BI. Within the Power BI solution, select the data fields you want to process; these may include order value and frequency, product lists, customer data, and others. Make sure to select all of the datasets that you will need in your analysis. For instance, if you wish to analyze order frequency across a set period of time, you may decide to import order data and product lists so that Power BI can see which products are being ordered.

Step 4: Format the Data

Power BI requires data in a specific format. Fortunately, Power BI offers the ability to transform your Shopify data into the correct format right within your instance. Through filtering, merging, and cleaning, you can achieve the right data structure so Power BI can access it properly.

Step 5: Create Your Timeline for Data Sharing

You'll want to work with the  latest data to make sure your reports and analyses are fully relevant and up to date. Power BI can import this data automatically, but you need to tell the solution when these automated updates are required.

You can set a schedule within Power BI for data sharing and refreshing. Choose the timeline that best suits your needs to ensure that information is regularly updated.


Troubleshooting Common Integration Issues

You may run into some issues during integration. Here's how you can troubleshoot some of the most common problems.

Data Is Not Updating Automatically in Power BI

  • Check that your Shopify data sources are up to date and accessible for Power BI.
  • Ensure that the network is fully connected and that Power BI has permission to access the data.
  • Reset your data refresh and update schedule.

Power BI Is Displaying the 'Unable to Connect' Error

  • Make sure you are using the correct connection setting.
  • Remove any firewall restrictions.
  • Check that drivers, connectors, and integrators are all updated.

Data Is Transferring Too Slowly

  • Optimize your datasets or reduce data model size.
  • Streamline your queries by removing any additional filters.
  • Use Power BI's incremental refresh to break up cumbersome datasets.

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How to Analyze Shopify Data in Power BI

Once everything is set up, how do you start analyzing your Shopify data?

Commissioning Reports

Power BI can create analytic reports for any datasets it has access to. After the data has been integrated, you can commission reports based on product sales, new and returning customers, customer lifecycle value, and other metrics.

Creating Visualizations

Power BI offers an intuitive interface for building visualizations. Simply select the reports you want to visualize, set the parameters for the visualization, and then let Power BI do the rest. Power BI offers a range of different charts, from bar and line graphs to funnel charts, as well as basic single number visualizations.

Viewing Results in the Dashboard

You can save reports and visualizations in the Power BI dashboard. This makes data easily accessible in the future, enabling longer-term tracking and analysis.

Sharing Reports 

Power BI is designed to make sharing easy. Reports and visualizations can be shared through collaborative work solutions or embedded directly into websites and other assets.

Connecting Shopify and Power BI: FAQ

Q: Do I need any additional tools to connect Shopify to Power BI?

A: Yes. Shopify and Power BI cannot integrate by themselves. Connector tools and solutions are required to complete the integration.

Q: Are there any costs associated with integrating Shopify with Power BI?

A: Just the cost of the third-party connecting tool. There are no additional fees for Shopify and Power BI integration outside of the connecting tool's subscription cost.

Q: How often does Power BI update Shopify data?

A: As often as you want it to. Power BI will automatically update Shopify data once the two solutions are connected, but you will need to set your schedule for these automated updates.

Q: How do I create reports in Power BI using Shopify data?

A: You can create reports in Power BI via the dashboard. Select the dataset you want to report on and then the type of chart or graph you wish to create. Reports can then be shared or embedded into websites.

Meet Panoply, the industry-leading cloud data platform that streamlines integrations.

To navigate the online business landscape, you need the right tools on your side. The trouble is that this can lead to a disparate network of solutions, adding to the noise rather than getting you where you need to be.

Enter Panoply. With our industry-leading cloud data platform, we help you streamline your integrations and bring all of your tools and data sources together into a single source of truth for fast, accurate insights. Whether you need to connect Shopify to Power BI or carry out another type of integration, you can spin up your data warehouse and start getting insights in just a few clicks.


Using Shopify to help sell your products can produce a great revenue stream. But if you aren't tracking and analyzing your data, you could be missing out on key insights that help you increase revenue, build customer loyalty, and get ahead in the market.

By choosing an effective Power BI integrator like Panoply, your business can gain deeper insights to optimize business operations moving forward. 


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