Panoply Blog: Data Management, Warehousing & Data Analysis

Panoply Gets an Investment Boost

Written by Allison Foster | Sep 12, 2023 2:20:06 PM

Here's what SQream's new round of Series C funding means for you, our Panoply customers.

This week, SQream announced that we’ve secured additional funding to drive further innovation and large-scale, accelerated data processing our customers rely on. What does this mean for Panoply by SQream? It means more investment in our product and features, based on the feedback we’re hearing from you, our customers


From its founding, Panoply’s goals have been:

  1. To make data accessible to everyone in your organization through low-code connectors and an easy-to-use platform
  2. To become the all-in-one solution of choice for SMBs in any industry


We’ve realized the first goal for years, providing a single source of truth through our managed data warehouse plus low and no-code connectors to all our customers’ data sources. More recently, we’ve taken note of the features our customers said would bring even more value to their data stack, and started the transformation into a truly end-to-end solution. In addition to a fully-managed data warehouse and low-to-no-code data connectors, we’ve added in-platform visualizations for faster insights from your business data. 


With a new round of funding for SQream, you’ll be able to do even more with your data in Panoply. 


This funding means investment in product innovation and accelerating the development of new capabilities that will help you get better, faster insights. Three areas we’re focusing on now are advancements in AI, enhanced visualizations, and constant improvements to features like our Flex Connector.  


  • Upcoming AI Flex Connector helper: This (not yet released) tool leverages generative AI to streamline the path to business intelligence. The AI helper will remove the need to manually sift through multiple API documents to find the configuration that meets your needs. This will enable you to skip the majority of the steps previously required and provide a working configuration that you’ll just need to customize with your credentials.
  • Better visualizations through dashboards: In addition to building out our core product offerings, we’re also creating new visualization capabilities that will allow you to leverage your data in more ways. Today, you can instantly visualize data from all your sources in Panoply in graphs and charts for an instant “gut check”. But soon, you’ll be able to create and manage a variety of dashboards right in the platform for deeper insights and better decision-making to drive your business. 
  • Evolving the Flex Connector: The Flex Connector enables you to easily pull all of your data into Panoply, even the sources without a pre-built Snap Connector. Since it’s such a critical piece of our solution, we’re always thinking of ways to enhance it. Here are just a few recent updates: 
  • CSV responses: This addition means that we support JSON, XML, and CSV. We've also added the ability to skip the first N rows within the CSV response.
  • Refresh access token update:   The refresh access token now supports a custom authorization header and non-bearer authorization. Both options are available through the refresh access token configuration.
  • ID lists:  The Flex Connector now supports generating lists of IDs to extract. The dynamic list is generated by a new process that utilizes its own set of API calls. 

We’re also working behind the scenes on three upcoming Flex Connector features: variables, downloadable files, and additional authentication options.  


The funding for SQream comes at an already productive and dynamic era for the Panoply platform, and we’re excited for this boost to evolve the product and make it even more seamless and fun for you to use.