Panoply Blog: Data Management, Warehousing & Data Analysis

Announcing the new Teams Functionality

Written by Gene Epshteyn | Oct 15, 2018 3:00:00 AM

Today we’re proud to announce a new feature that will enable teamwork within your organization.

At Panoply, we believe in teamwork. When teams collaborate with one another on different projects, goals, and analyzing the right data quickly it means having the right tools in place to sort, share, and analyze your data sources. Having the right tools includes granting and accessing the right data at the right time by building out hierarchies of administrators and designating teams - a process commonly known as “permission controls” or “provisioning controls,” which are frequently part of a company’s governance policies. These controls help make sure that colleagues, teams and squad leaders have the right amount of access to the right data when they need it.

Oversharing your data? Be more efficient and gate access to your data.

You no doubt work along with colleagues analyzing heaps of data from different sources, and are probably divided into teams of several different lines of business. Sure, each line of business or team gets access to the data they need to make their business decisions -- meaning data is shared across teams, but to keep things more efficient, teams may want to only see the data relevant to their team, product, or project. For this purpose, it is best practice to share only the specific databases that designated teams need to carry out their analytics. Panoply is rolling out a new Team permissions feature that easily lets you do that right from the dashboard.

Keep your data safe and secure: Access to data on a need-to-know-basis.

Panoply’s Teams feature can be used for granting teams access to certain databases to be more efficient in distributing data, but it can also be used to keep data secure based on a need-to-know basis only. As you know, some data can be sensitive or fall under compliance or regulatory limitations, requiring permission from a responsible administrator so that only a limited, designated analyst or analytics team has access to this data or database.

To quote Panoply customer Adam Beltz, Sr. Manager of Information Architecture at Matilda Jane: “Being 'data-driven' is a huge driver in every aspect of Matilda Jane's business. Now that decision-makers have access to easy-to-use data analysis and visualization tools, we now have a glut of data and it's hard for data managers to ensure the right data is being consumed. Data governance and controls are very much needed and Teams from Panoply fits the bill.”

Note that provisioning access to data by limiting who sees it with permissions controls is frequently part of a company’s security protocol, compliance measures or required by some government regulations. This is especially the case at larger enterprises, those that work with external partners and vendors, and/or those that share personal customer, medical, or financial data. Panoply’s Teams feature will help give you greater control over who gets access to which databases at your company. That may help you meet some industry standards pertaining to the handling of sensitive data.

Each Admin will be able to:

  • access the Panoply account, including payments
  • invite/remove users from teams,
  • view who’s who on the various teams and when they last logged in
  • get a bird’s eye view of all the databases and who has access to them
  • edit and delete any table or view it in the database

For greater tactical granularity with the data, Admins will be able to edit, view, and delete data tables, so that different users have access only to the data bases they are required to access. Those users who are “editors”, will have access to their designated database(s) and be able to create, read, write, and of course query the data, etc…  

Over the next few months, Panoply will be rolling out additional tools within the Permission feature to give you even greater control and management of how data is accessed by different teams at your company.

To see more technical information and how-tos on getting started with teams, please see our Docs page on Teams.